About Me (Elevator Pitch)

This will be my first blog post and I just wanted everyone taking the time to read this, to get to know who I am and a little background on me. My name is Cale Gundlach, and I am a student athlete at Dickinson State University. I am the epitome of someone who is active and healthy. I have been involved in sports since before I can even remember. I have competed in many various sports such as football, basketball, baseball, track, soccer, tennis, and golf. I attended high school in Great Falls, Montana, where I was born and raised. In high school, I was a 4-year letter athlete in football, 3-year letter athlete in basketball, 3 in tennis, and 1 in track. My junior year of basketball I had the opportunity to compete in the state championship where I sadly fell short of winning. I have been competing in sports for most of my life and it is easily my favorite thing in life. Staying healthy is essential for me to be able to participate in all these sports. Eating right, sleeping enough, getting essential vitamins, and repeated exercise and stretching are the keys to healthy living. 

I am starting this blog because I feel there is a need to let people know all of the different ways in which they can better their health and wellness. I think that there is a sense of ignorance when it comes to healthy living today. I hope that this blog will help some people realize the importance of healthy living.

You may ask, “What qualifies this kid to tell me about health and wellness?” Well, I have been involved in athletics my whole life and staying fit and healthy is something that I take very seriously. I am currently on the football team at Dickinson State University, so my own health is something that I am still managing to this day. I have to manage what I eat and how much of it I eat every day. Exercise and lifting are things that I have to do on a daily basis as well. I hope that what I have to say in this blog is something that you will consider taking the time out of your day to listen to.

With this blog not only will I be talking about just healthy living but will try and incorporate some posts on the importance of leadership in today’s world. But for the most part I plan on showing different types of food, vitamins, and medicine that you can take to better your health. I also want to show different types of activities and sports you can play to enhance your fitness/physical health as well. The main purpose of this blog is to inform anyone on the many benefits of maintaining and thriving in a system called healthy living. My goal is to have at least fifteen posts that you will find meaningful and helpful. I’m also going to try and start each post with a unique quote that fits the topic of the certain blog post that you will be reading.


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